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Yoga Mats
Mini Mat (Ages 4-10)
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Lavender & Love (purple & pink)
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Material & Size
Custom size for your mini yogi's body, not just a yoga mat cut in half! This "Lavender & Love" color scheme is bright and attractive to youngsters of any gender.
Teach your kids the "Family Yoga Lifestyle" with a yoga mat just their size.
Yoga encourages school age children to flexible, respectful, strong and self confident both on and off the mat.
Eco Friendly Material: PER (Polymer Environmental-Friendly Resin)
Safe for kids and the Earth while keeping the squishy softness of your favorite yoga mat.
18.5 in wide
52 in long
5mm (1/5 inch) thick
This custom size is not just an adult mat cut in half but an age specific size made to fit a school age child's body. Its size allows for easy rolling and carrying by themselves adding to their self confidence and pride in their own yoga practice.
Multiple Uses
Yoga is a family friendly activity that can be done inside or outside.
Let your minis be creative and see all the uses they find for their mat!
Many schools, yoga studios, libraries and after school programs offer yoga.
Use your mat for stretching, exercise or any creative play.
We encourage you to use your mat outside for picnics, watching the stars at night, beach, travel and camping.
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